Saturday, January 21, 2012

Real Money by Jim Cramer

The Greatest!
If you would like to be an active stock trader or an active stock investor you must read Real Money by Jim Cramer.  In Real Money Cramer brings his knowledge and experience and delivers it to his readers in a reader friendly style.  This book has invaluable information that is presented in a reader friendly style.  If you have never read a book about stock investing I don't suggest that Real Money be the first book you read.  You should have some basic grasp of the very basics of stock investing and the stock market before reading Real Money.  However, even if you are a beginner you will be able to take away a wealth of knowledge from this book.

"Make Money!"
I have read Real Money twice.  The second time I read the book I took notes and I still review the notes I took a few times a year.  Although the trading and investing style suggested by Cramer in the book is more aggressive then my own style, the lessons and information in the book are outstanding.  This book breaks down how to compare stocks to one another, how to do the research you need to do to own and trade stocks, how to speculate, how to anticipate moves in stocks, how to trade cyclical and secular stocks, how to spot tops and bottoms in the market and in specific stocks, and much more.

Jim Cramer also gives the Readers of Real Money ten commandments of trading and twenty five investment rules to live by.  These basic rules of trading and investing are full of wisdom and come from decades of market experience.  Learning these rules can give investors a major edge in investing and trading.  I can not over state how great these investing and trading rules are.

The latter chapters in Real Money deal with spotting tops and bottoms and advanced trading/investing strategies.  These chapters are more advanced and the last time I read the book about one year ago I really had to concentrate in order to absorb and understand the content.  Cramer's description of options is one of the best that I have read.  Options are financial derivatives that are hard to understand for novice investors.  I had to re-read the options description in the book a few times in order to grasp how option puts and calls work.  However, Cramer's excellent description makes it possible for readers who are not experienced to understand options investing.

Real Money definately gets an A+!  It is full of invaluable investment and trading information and I can not recommend it enough.  I know that I will read this book again multiple times in the future.  It is the best book about investing and trading I have ever come across.


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