Thursday, December 15, 2011

Which Republican Presidential Candidate Would Be The Best For The Economy?

As anyone can tell from the picture above I know that Obama has been poison for the U.S. and Global economy.  His stimulus package burned 1 trillion dollars on fire.  Obama's health care bill has raised health care costs.  His lack of leadership led to the first U.S. credit down grade in history.  He has stood in the way of U.S. energy independence time and time again.  He did not even punish the financial industry that drove us into the mortgage crisis.  Plus, you would think a liberal would at least go after the investment bankers who were responsible for all of the CDOs and credit default swaps that were way too risky and caused the mortgage meltdown in '08.  Until you realize that Goldman Sachs and the financial industry own Obama and he is too ignorant of finance to understand what a derivative is.

So I probably won't vote for Obama in 2012.....  I'm not overly excited about any of the GOP nominees.  I think Gingrich is the smartest, Romney is the steadiest and most electable, Bachman is the most fiery, Santorum is the most genuine, Ron Paul wins the more niave then Neville Chamberlain award, Huntsman is on the Chinese pay roll, and Rick Perry is just like George W. Bush minus the brains.

That being said, Gingrich and Romney could be okay Presidents and they are the most likely to win.   Either of them will be vastly better for the economy than Obama has been.  Both of them will lend some stability to the economy where Obama lends indecision and inaction.  Both of them are pro private sector where as Obama is pro government sector.  Both of them have experience where Obama is the public speaker in chief.  Both will allow America to gain energy independence.

Do yourself a favor, follow the Presidential race and participate in politics.  Vote, it is your right and your responsibility.  Even for citizens who will vote for Obama.  For those people, I'm sure that Obama will close Gitmo, take on greedy big business, raise taxes, and balance the budget in his second term?   Please visit the links below and read the main players stance on the issues.  I read the candidates stances on taxes.  I like Romney's more then the plan put forward by Gingrich.

Newt Gingrich
Mitt Romney
Rick Perry
Jon Huntsman
Ron Paul


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