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"I just had a bowel movement!" |
This is the mentality of the U.S. Senate? Are they making back room deals? If so who is paying who for what? This horrific legislation doesn't even benefit anyone. The rich, middle class and poor all get the shaft on this one. Are the Senators who voted for this bill secret Chinese or Russian spys trying to sabotage the U.S. economy? Are the really senile? I would love to know. The most frightening thing is that they actually passed a bill that extended a tax policy for two months!!! They got a majority. That is scary. If someone I knew told me that they had made a decision to make a budget for the first two months of 2012 I would laugh and ask, "Why not budget for the entire year?" Then I would think to myself, "Whoa I need to figure out a way to politely explain to them that they need to budget for a much longer period of time." Maybe the U.S. Senate is full of super secret senile Chinese agents that would like to go home and celebrate the holidays? There has to be some explanation for this. I plan on writing my Senate representatives for the answer.
Thankfully we have a very strong and decisive leader in the White House right now. Someone who will make sure that we move toward energy independance with an aggressive domestic energy policy. A man who supports long term fiscal stability, compromise on tax rates, and is focusing like a laser on balancing the U.S. budget and creating jobs. Oh wait, that's wrong. Actually Barrack Obama is not doing that. He is indecisive, i.e. putting off his decision on the Keystone XL pipeline, (or he is using holding his support for it hostage for political purposes and playing games). He has actually hurt our drive toward energy independence. Instead of pipelines, Obama is in favor of pipe dreams, Solyndra, wind mills, hugs. If only our country could be fueled by hugs. Wait don't suggest that to the President or the left, they may actually spend billions of tax dollars trying to make the dang idea work!
All of this idocracy is crippling the U.S. economy. We should be recovering but the Congress, Democrats and Republicans, and the extremely hopeless and clueless executive branch are like an anchor tied around our economies waist. Coupled with the Europeans, who have governments that are just as or even more inept, (the European Union is researching running their countries power grids on tiny cheek kisses as I'm writing this), the current U.S. government has me feeling extremely bearish about 2012. What good are high yielding defensive stocks going to do for you if they fall to winter 2009 levels? Better to be in cash and start making a shopping list for late 2012 when there is a possiblity for any change at all. It looks like the stocks of high quality companies will be on sale by then. Plus hopefully Obama voters realize that 1.) Obama did not make their college education free 2.) He did not pay their bills 3.) He did not make any cars that run on hugs. Any other President has to be better; right? Lets hope so, the Senate is obviously an old folks home full of very confused men and women. Vote against all Senate incumbents in 2012!
U.S. Senate email addresses and phone numbers can be found at the following link - http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
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