Christmas can be a stressful time of year for many people. It can be easy to lose perspective on what Christmas is all about when you get caught up in the hustle and bustle involved with the holiday season. Travel, shopping, making plans, attending parties, going to the post office *Facepalm*, bad weather, etc. can add up to a really stressful experience. Not everyone can work 70 hours a week during the holidays like me. Working during the holidays is actually less stressful then being on vacation it seems like for many people!
The number one tip for avoiding stress during Christmas is to donate your time and/or money to charity. This will help you remember the true spirit of Christmas. Although it may seem like the reason for Christmas is to line up at Best Buy ten hours before the Black Friday opening allows you to buy a massive television for half price if you don't get trampled, the real reason is to celebrate the birth of Christ and what his life stood for. Christ stood for helping and loving others, especially those who needed help the most. He stood for treating your family and neighbors with love and respect and enjoying their company. What better way to celebrate this occasion then doing the same thing Christ would have done to celebrate his own birthday? Give to charity, help someone who needs it, spend quality time with your family and friends, or all of the above.
After I give to charity, even adding an extra few dollars to a purchase for a charity when purchasing some item, I always feel happier. I feel a lot happier after I am able to truly help someone out. Whether it is shoveling snow for someone who can't handle that chore anymore, or going out of my way to help one of my co-workers by taking on some of their work load on, it is always great to give. There is no better way to be in the Christmas spirit and make yourself happy then giving of yourself.
If you are going to give to a specific charity, you can check them out first. Unfortunately, not all charitable organizations are on the up and up. I have included a link to a website that rates and tracks charities at the bottom of this post. If you go to this site you will be able to check out a charity before donating so you can ensure that your money goes to the people who need it and not someone who is dishonest.
For anyone who has read this far and doesn't like Christmas or Christians, have a Happy Holiday season and please donate to charity or give to the needy anyway!
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